[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://bigasterisk.com/" nickname="Drew Perttula" subject="comment 12" date="2013-07-28T05:36:39Z" content=""" Thanks for finding that. I added git-annex-shell to my path and ran again. The repo lists look good now. For the record, here's what I am getting in authorized_keys on dash: command=\"GIT_ANNEX_SHELL_DIRECTORY='/home/drewp/annex2' ~/.ssh/git-annex-shell\",no-agent-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1y.......0c2ilnh drewp@bang When I went to the settings on each box, all 4 repository group select boxes were blank. I set them all to 'client'. How do we make this long ticket worth your time by improving the code so people don't hit the same trap in the future? I think I would have looked in the right direction if, instead of saying nothing and not having a uuid to make the links work, the web ui said something like this: 'command not found: git-annex-shell' on remote host. Sync disabled with this host. -------- Next, I ran \"date > annex2/file1\" on bang. The web consoles said they synced, but no file appeared on dash. There was a ~/annex2/.git/annex/objects/../../SHA256.../SHA256... file on dash with the right contents, but no symlink showed up in dash:~/annex2. I ran \"date > annex2/file2\" on dash, and then I got both file1 and file2 on both boxes. In the new logs at http://bigasterisk.com/post/git-annex/logs2/, the surprise is at [2013-07-27 22:10:49 PDT] where I thought dash would make a symlink called 'file1' but instead it reports no attempt or error. Later at [2013-07-27 22:12:08 PDT], while dealing with the upload of file2, dash finally makes the symlink for file1. """]]