[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2015-12-02T17:11:47Z" content=""" I tried reproducing this with the current version of git-annex on windows, and didn't see the problem. The creds file was used when the AWS_* environment variables were not set. What was the version of git-annex that was working before this reversion? Does the creds files corresponding to the uuid of your S3 remote exist? Does it contain 2 lines, for the access key and secret key, respectively? The webapp failure message seems to indicate that git-annex is has found creds, but they somehow have the wrong values. Does the s3ErrorAccessKeyId that you redacted match the access key that you told git-annex to use? (Note that it should be ok to show the s3 access key as long as you don't also show what the secret key is AFAIK.) """]]