[[!comment format=mdwn username="clacke" subject="Inconsistent between batches of files" date="2015-04-22T12:56:42Z" content=""" If you add enough files, annex gets past the first `(Recording state in git...)` and then breaks on only the last portion, so some files are added and some are only hashed: [[!format sh \"\"\" $ touch {10000..20240} 20242 $ git annex add {10000..20242} [ . . . ] add 20240 ok (recording state in git...) add 20242 ok git-annex: 20241 not found $ file 20240 20242 | sed -e 's/`.*//' 20240: symbolic link to 20242: symbolic link to $ git status | tail -n 7 new file: 20240 Untracked files: (use \"git add ...\" to include in what will be committed) 20242 \"\"\"]] """]]