[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 7""" date="2017-12-11T17:12:41Z" content=""" The diff shows `git annex whereis` used to send CLAIMURL to the external, and no longer does. Reproduction recipe using git-annex-remote-ipfs: git annex initremote ipfs type=external externaltype=ipfs encryption=none date > somefile git annex add somefile git annex addurl --debug --relaxed ipfs:dummy --file somefile Which results in `git annex whereis somefile` saying it's present in ipfs, but not listing the ipfs url for it. And again, whereis does not sent CLAIMURL. And, in log.web, I see why: +1513013502.312530881s 1 ipfs:dummy That is not an OtherDownloader url, it's lacking the ":" prefix. This seems to be particular to the addurl --relaxed --file code path; letting addurl add a new file does result in an OtherDownloader url being recorded. I guess the reason the test suite then fails is, the url it removes is not the one git-annex recorded, and so git-annex still thinks it's at the wrongly recorded url, and so dropping succeeds. """]]