[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 2""" date="2014-10-28T19:40:37Z" content=""" The uuid mismatch message tells me that you have tried to enable a special remote that has uuid 984e0333-3327-5f21-87a1-35d30f37f337. However, when it checked the gcrypt repository, it found that it had gcrypt id ":id:8sucFsBZIGQKXFv5ecSW", which means its uuid should be 78104a6f-16a9-504b-8e8a-d8a3c59351e8. I have improved that message to be more clear. Since `git annex info` doesn't list that 78104a6f-16a9-504b-8e8a-d8a3c59351e8 uuid at all, it seems that this gcrypt repository has not been initialized using `git-annex initremote`. It's not a gcrypt special remote, but instead is a gcrypt repository, that was probably created using `git push`. You can convert it to a gcrypt special remote by running `git-annex initremote` and providing its repourl. Once that's done and pushed, you will be able to `git annex enableremote` it elsewhere. """]]