[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawlZ-6dtxJY4cP7shhvV8E6YyuV0Rak8it4" nickname="Giovanni" subject="I messed up that repo" date="2014-10-16T13:31:15Z" content=""" I'm sure I messed up the repository at some point the remote repository have a duplicated (I hope just duplicated and not triplicated) UUID: both ffc5c5d1-6166-4753-a2e4-88727d0f8c7b and 984e0333-3327-5f21-87a1-35d30f37f337 on one of my working remotes I already used \"git annex dead 984e0333-3327-5f21-87a1-35d30f37f337\" and synced the special (bare) remote **but** trying to make a new clone and adding the remote special with enableremote i always get the same \"UUID mismatch\" error, listing the (marked) dead UUID please is there a way to get rid of the mess I did?!? :-) I'm tempted to manually add \"annex-uuid = ffc5c5d1-6166-4753-a2e4-88727d0f8c7b\" to the repo \".git/config\" but I fear I'm going to further mess things sorry for reportng this as a bug... actually it was my fault best regards Giovanni """]]