[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 3""" date="2017-05-25T19:08:59Z" content=""" That looks like concurrent `git config` setting remote.origin.annex-uuid are failing. I have not reproduced the `.git/config` error, but with a local clone of a repository, I have been able to reproduce some intermittent "transfer already in progress, or unable to take transfer lock" failures with `git annex get -J5`, happening after remote.origin.annex-uuid has been cached. So, two distinct bugs I think.. --- Debugging, the lock it fails to take always seems to be the lock on the remote side, which points to the local clone being involved somehow. Debugging further, Utility.LockPool.STM.tryTakeLock is what's failing. That's supposed to only fail when another thread holds a conflicting lock, but as it's implemented with `orElse`, if the main STM transaction retries due to other STM activity on the same TVar, it will give up when it shouldn't. That's probably why this is happening under heavier concurrency loads; it makes that failure case much more likely. And with a local clone, twice as much locking is done. I've fixed this part of it! --- The concurrent `git config` part remains. Since git-annex can potentially have multiple threads doing different `git config` for their own reasons concurrently, it seems it will need to add its own locking around that. """]]