[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="2001:4978:f:21a::2" subject="comment 2" date="2013-07-25T20:12:06Z" content=""" Please paste the output of: `git show git-annex:uuid.log` The file seems to have a lot of garbage in it. The \"merging -- into git-annex (recovery from race)\" in particular is only ever passed to git as the commit message. It should not be possible for it to appear in a file unless data has somehow become corrupted. So, I think you should also run `git fsck`. You may also find that it helps to shut down any running git-annex, and move `.git/annex/index` away to a backup location. A corrupted index file would be kind of be the best scenario since git-annex can automatically rebuild it from the git repository.. """]]