[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://me.yahoo.com/a/QeDOPmIryZqNyn0A84E.QmGJVazd_6_FpYa2nFtn#c7fa1" nickname="Captain Kirk" subject="I have the same issue, no special characters in path" date="2015-06-23T20:24:30Z" content=""" I have the same issue like Horus described. Pairing fails in the LAN. \"illegal control characters in pairing message; ignoring\" appears in the log over and over distributionUrl = \"https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/OSX/current/10.10_Yosemite/git-annex.dmg distributionVersion = \"5.20150616\" distributionReleasedate = 2015-06-17 18:18:52.552448 Would be great to get help or a fix! """]]