[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2015-02-09T20:02:56Z" content=""" I have not been able to reproduce this problem. I tried making the repository be in a directory named "dirĩ". I'm guessing that might contain the character that you refer to, which you unfortunately obfuscated right out of "/home/someone/Videos/blah/" But the code doing this sanity check was rather questionable -- it decoded the input as a raw C-formatted string, and looked for unwanted chars in that. That could be where the bug lay, since it decoded the same string twice, possibly differently. I've improved the code to not do that, and instead decode the message before sanity checking each field of it. I'm going to close this bug. If you can still reproduce it though, you need to 1. tell me the actual filename 2. enable debug logging, and send .git/annex/daemon.log when this happens. """]]