[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 1" date="2013-12-09T21:08:29Z" content=""" Thanks, that's very interesting indeed. When I was debugging this on Windows, I had the network console open, and could see clearly that Firefox was trying to load \"/\" when I clicked on a link to \"/config\". Both firefox and the git-annex webapp's debug log agreed that it asked for the wrong page. I have just reproduced it using iceweasel as well. I know that I have tested git-annex before under iceweasel and it seemed to work. Seems that clicking 3+ times on a link makes it finally follow it. I wonder if this has something to do with the long polling. Disabling javascript would avoid it if so. They've made disabling JS in firefox sufficiently hard that I cannot find how to do it. Also, the problem seems to open happen on the main page (/). Once I get to any other page, further links are followed without trouble. """]]