[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2016-01-01T20:27:27Z" content=""" It was indeed a bug that it counted both keys referenced in the work tree and keys whose content was present. Fixed. It's not hard to fix the json format, but then what happens to anything that may be parsing the existing format? I could use a different field for the better formatted version and keep the old version in the current field, but if the goal is to make the json better, that doesn't really work. Since the old output is so funky, it seems likely to me you're the first one to try to consume it since anyone reasonable would file a but report about it and you're the first who did. So.. I guess I'll change the json format and see if anyone complains. I have to say that this business of not having any specification other than what it currently is, is what annoys me about JSON as a consumer of it. """]]