[[!comment format=mdwn username="gleachkr@7c488e398809299a1100b93f8884de43dee83674" nickname="gleachkr" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/c7ce6b5eae91547b25e9a05fc7c8cf22" subject="comment 3" date="2017-09-16T16:02:41Z" content=""" The second file (`01 Fill in the Blank.m4a`) does still exist, although `annex get` always re-retrieves it. annx.thin is not set. Here's the git config, minus remotes: [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [annex] uuid = e9731ab7-6a76-4eef-b337-2b8573380014 version = 6 [filter \"annex\"] smudge = git-annex smudge %f clean = git-annex smudge --clean %f Thanks for the fix. Just to make sure I understand before breaking anything futher, the idea would be to move `.git/annex/keys/db` somewhere safe, `git annex lock` all the affected files, and then `git annex fsck` the whole repository? or just the affected files? """]]