[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 2""" date="2017-09-16T14:54:49Z" content=""" The .dump that shows the file is in the "content" table but not the "associated" table seems to confirm my hypothesis. Aha -- I was able to replicate having "content" but no "associated" in the keys database, by first using `git annex add` on a file, then `git annex unlock`, then `git annex lock`. Any chance this is what you did? (Perhaps some of those commits that git log shows were the locking/unlocking; if you `git show` the commits and see that the mode of the file has changed, that would confirm it.) I've still not quite managed to replicate the problem, because the cached inodes were still right. Tried moving the file away to another repo, but it then removed the cached inodes and so avoided the problem. Very interesting about the second file with `git annex get` and `git annex fsck` behaving differently. Does the file 'Car Seat Headrest/Teens of Denial/01 Fill in the Blank.m4a' still exist in your git repository? Is annex.thin set in .git/config? ---- I probably have enough information to move on to getting your repository fixed so you can stop being bothered by the problem at least. I think you could probably move .git/annex/keys/db out of the way, and run `git annex lock` followed by `git annex fsck` to get into a non-broken state. """]]