[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 3" date="2014-01-05T20:41:35Z" content=""" Well, EKG either cannot see the leak, or perhaps haskell profiling generally cannot see it. Don't have a lot of experience with EKG, it's just a lot easier to ask for than full ghc profiling data.. It's certainly useful information that you are constantly changing the files. I have tried to replicate this setup, with a few hundred files, and writing random stuff to them repeatedly. The RSS did not grow at all despite repeatedly changing and committing the files. I then tried adding a remote for it to sync with, and see evidence of a small leak there -- around 8 bytes per file transferred. The leak appears to be in the transfer code, not the git sync code; it happens with both git remotes and with directory special remotes. """]]