[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnSenxKyE_2Z6Wb-EBMO8FciyRywjx1ZiQ" nickname="Walter" subject="comment 3" date="2013-08-24T21:59:12Z" content=""" I have all of my repositories set to either manual (all the computers), or full backup (the usb drive and s3). So, this is happening in a manual repository. Also, I still don't understand why it would be confused over the annex.numcopies setting (why does it claim it needs 2 copies, when numcopies is 1?) I just tested between desktop and laptop. File is also present in s3. File on desktop. Copy to laptop --> desktop drops (why? both are set to manual, and both have the other set as manual as well) Get on desktop. Works, it gets it from laptop. But then, desktop makes laptop drop it (why? again, both are manual repositories) """]]