[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" nickname="joey" subject="comment 3" date="2013-03-27T19:22:06Z" content=""" Hmm, the message you got indicates it saw the \"loggedin\", but not the \"rsync\". Actually, the command it runs is closer to this:
echo git-annex-probe loggedin;if which git-annex-shell; then echo git-annex-probe git-annex-shell; fi;if which rsync; then echo git-annex-probe rsync; fi
It's possible that ssh is somehow truncating or not running all of that. The ssh command would be something like this:
ssh $HOSTNAME -n 'echo git-annex-probe loggedin;if which git-annex-shell; then echo git-annex-probe git-annex-shell; fi;if which rsync; then echo git-annex-probe rsync; fi'