Building commit 805d50c69d40be97baa28735371778df63b5fed6
x00:git-annex jtang$ cabal install
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring dbus-0.10...
Building dbus-0.10...
Preprocessing library dbus-0.10...
[1 of 9] Compiling DBus.Types       ( lib/DBus/Types.hs, dist/build/DBus/Types.o )
[2 of 9] Compiling DBus.Message     ( lib/DBus/Message.hs, dist/build/DBus/Message.o )
[3 of 9] Compiling DBus.Wire        ( lib/DBus/Wire.hs, dist/build/DBus/Wire.o )
[4 of 9] Compiling DBus.Address     ( lib/DBus/Address.hs, dist/build/DBus/Address.o )
[5 of 9] Compiling DBus             ( lib/DBus.hs, dist/build/DBus.o )
[6 of 9] Compiling DBus.Introspection ( lib/DBus/Introspection.hs, dist/build/DBus/Introspection.o )
[7 of 9] Compiling DBus.Transport   ( lib/DBus/Transport.hs, dist/build/DBus/Transport.o )

lib/DBus/Transport.hs:196:72: Not in scope: `getPeerCred'
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
dbus-0.10 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
git-annex-3.20120721 depends on dbus-0.10 which failed to install.
The above isn't a git-annex problem but a dbus problem, at first I thought I didn't have the network package installed, but did. I should probably report this problem to the haskell dbus author. On a slightly different note, based on the makefile DBUS is not enabled on OSX/BSD so I did not expect the cabal file to use dbus as well, I'm currently interested in poking at the webapp stuff ;) Although DBUS is available on OSX from macports I get the feeling that the haskell-dbus package might need some poking before it works properly. To continue, pulling, installing the dependancies (dbus is still boned) and building commit 6cecc26206c4a539999b04664136c6f785211a41
[ 92 of 205] Compiling Utility.Url      ( Utility/Url.hs, tmp/Utility/Url.o )

Utility/Url.hs:39:14: Not in scope: `parseURI'

Utility/Url.hs:73:14: Not in scope: `parseURI'

Utility/Url.hs:88:12: Not in scope: type constructor or class `URI'

Utility/Url.hs:91:30: Not in scope: type constructor or class `URI'

Utility/Url.hs:107:38: Not in scope: `parseURIReference'

Utility/Url.hs:111:95: Not in scope: `relativeTo'
make: *** [git-annex] Error 1