[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://me.yahoo.com/a/6xTna_B_h.ECb6_ftC2dYLytAEwrv36etg_054U-#4c1e7" nickname="Fake" subject="comment 2" date="2012-11-01T11:49:55Z" content=""" Ok, thanks for the info. I actually tried running this directly because I was getting the same error from inside of git-annex assistant. When I add a remote server repository with encrypted rsync, I am able to add the server (\"Check this server\" works), but when I click on the \"Use an encrypted rsync repository on the server\" button, I get the following error: Internal Server Error user error (gpg [\"--quiet\",\"--trust-model\",\"always\",\"--gen-random\",\"--armor\",\"1\",\"512\"] exited 5) """]]