[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 2""" date="2015-02-06T17:30:50Z" content=""" Since someone also mentioned this problem on IRC (I don't know if it was you), I am wondering if this is an easy mistake to make. I guess so; you installed boto from Arch's packages and it included a /usr/bin/glacier.. Same could happen if using pip to install boto, I think. I don't want to support multiple different glacier interface programs. The eventual plan is to move glacier support into git-annex, using a haskell library. The other concerning thing is that git-annex seems to have reported that some of the transfers succeeded. It seems, very unfortunately, that the glacier command from boto exits 0 when given unsupported parameters. So, git-annex will think a transfer succeeded, at least some of the time (sometimes gpg notices that the encrypted output is not all consumed). I think that the best fix will be to make glacier-cli install a "glacier-cli" program. Then git-annex can run that instead of "glacier" and will be much less likely to run into namespace pollution. I have filed 2 bug reports: * [boto's glacier should exit nonzero after displaying usage](https://github.com/boto/boto/issues/2942) * [glacier-cli should provide a glacier-cli command](https://github.com/basak/glacier-cli/issues/30) I have also put a really ugly hack into git-annex to detect when the wrong glacier is installed, and refuse to use it. """]]