[[!comment format=mdwn username="namsgorf@6b5ce57fbe9dc2a2c65d6817151f107dc22f438c" nickname="namsgorf" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/b85cacece5b347853dc35d97371b9e0c" subject="comment 2" date="2017-05-21T13:40:07Z" content=""" IIRC, at the time I wrote glacier-cli, boto (the Python AWS library it uses) had no Python 3 support, so I targeted Python 2 only. I see that boto supports Python 3 now. Patches to glacier-cli for Python 3 support welcome. Your Python 2 error looks like https://bugs.python.org/issue11898 to me. I know that others have hit the same error in the past. It's a problem between boto and httplib and Python, not a bug in glacier-cli. I don't think it affects Debian or Ubuntu, so you may need to take it up with Arch developers (perhaps Debian or Ubuntu carries a patch?) """]]