[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2017-09-29T18:26:39Z" content=""" [Two separate problems reported in one bug report always makes extra work and risks one of the probles being forgotten about. Separate bug reports for separate problems, please.] I can reproduce test not working outside of a git repository. That is a reversion from 6.20170818. Bisected to commit db2a06b66f0aaf5a8e8822a0c01aa614a8e7a5a9. Fixed. The too many open files was also mentioned by another OSX user (also in a bug report about something else; that bug was closed...). I have not quite reproduced it, but running git-annex test on OSX I did see it was using 600 or more open files and had quite a few git processes stacked up. There may be a small leak there, that's more likely to trip over a smaller limit on OSX. """]]