[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkt8DjG40gowj_ETchFLDS_Z216tr7p1xw" nickname="Adam" subject="ok some progress" date="2014-07-23T14:27:51Z" content=""" I tried to do the same from another local repository on the server and it worked fine. I created a Linux VM and that also struggled, but this time with 57 errors. It turns out that the way my files were being stored on the server was causing it. I had the files stored on a local NAS which was mounted via iSCSI. I moved the repository from the NAS to local storage and then did another clone and it is now working from the Linux VM and the Windows client via SSH. When using git annex get on the Linux VM it is much faster than the native Git bash which takes ages. """]]