I discovered a problem with `git annex map` and relative urls containing `~`. In this case i have a remote `noam` configured with the the following urls: zsh» git remote show noam | head -3 * remote noam Fetch URL: noam:bare-annex Push URL: noam:bare-annex If i try to run `git annex map` i get the following error: zsh» git annex map map /home/esc/annex ok map noam (sshing...) bash: line 0: cd: /~/bare-annex/: No such file or directory Command ssh ["noam","cd '/~/bare-annex/' && git config --list"] failed; exit code 1 (sshing...) ok running: dot -Tx11 map.dot ok If i run the failing command manually, i get: zsh» ssh noam "cd ~/bare-annex && git config --list" core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true annex.uuid=f267f55c-0732-11e1-a93b-93119f9aaf54 annex.version=3 Also i can change the remote url to an absolute one, in which case `git annex map` works too: zsh» git remote set-url noam noam:/home/esc/bare-annex zsh» git annex map map /home/esc/annex ok map noam (sshing...) ok running: dot -Tx11 map.dot ok