[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 2""" date="2017-04-07T16:58:42Z" content=""" Huh, so it seems that for gcrypt remotes, enableremote just doesn't call their setup function at all! Ah, it's because it sees the remote has an url, so it is not treated as a special remote, but as a regular git remote, and so the special remote encryption changes are ignored. (Since 6.20160527) So, enableremote needs to fail when it thinks it's enabling a regular git remote and has been passed some parameters which cannot apply to such a remote. Done. And, enableremote needs fixed to treat existing gcrypt remotes as special remotes. Done. Also, gcrypt special remotes didn't actually support being re-enabled either. I made that work. When an encryption key is added, that automatically makes it change the gcrypt-participants, too. I suppose enableremote could even be made to do the `GCRYPT_FULL_REPACK` and forced push, but that seems like too much for it to do! """]]