[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 2" date="2013-07-15T20:12:04Z" content=""" AIUI, the git-annex dmg bundles several libraries and things that are not portable between OSX versions. So, the fix is probably to build git-annex from source on OS X 10.9. Following the [[install/cabal]] instructions would be a good first step to see if that gets a working git-annex. It seems likely that an autobuilder machine will need to be added for OS X 10.9 eventually. Maybe the guy who's providing the Mtn Lion build machine plans to upgrade it, and I can use that. Otherwise, it'll probably depend on someone with a 10.9 machine either setting up an autobuilder, or giving me a ssh account so I can run one. """]]