[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 17" date="2013-10-26T16:58:27Z" content=""" I'm glad that it's been gotten to build. Now all we need is for someone like @calmyournerves or @warp or @remy to put \"git pull; make osxapp\" in a cron job. I can provide a rsync account for publishing the DMG file, and help with setting up [gitbuilder](https://github.com/apenwarr/gitbuilder) which is one good way to automate it. Or, if someone else with a Mavericks desktop machine wants to install ssh and make me an account, I'm sure I can follow the instructions and set up an autobuilder on it. To be clear, I don't have time or interest in maintaining hardware to run the builds, even if I had the hardware. It's much better to let people who are passionate about it do it. """]]