[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 7" date="2014-05-30T20:47:02Z" content=""" I wrote a test program to try to connect to this server, using a test account, and dump some events. This works on linux. Then I tried it on mac, and I think I have reproduced the same failure!
oberon:~ joeyh$ ./xmpp
xmpp: : hGetBuf: resource vanished (Connection reset by peer)
Note that this exception is unable to be caught, it seems. Which would explain why the whole git-annex assistant crashes. Also, the same program, when modified to use some other xmpp server, does not crash. At this point, I think I need to forward this bug to network-protocol-xmpp author John Millikin. Which I've now done. My advice for the bug submitter: git-annex is going to be deprecating XMPP in the not too distant future anyway. If you have your own server, a much nicer way to use git-annex is to install it on the server and use ssh remotes. Recent versions do not need xmpp to sync between clients in such a configuration. Test program: [[!format haskell \"\"\" {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Network.Protocol.XMPP import Data.Maybe import Data.Either import Network import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Exception main = do catch test (\e -> do let err = show (e :: IOException) print (\"caught: \", err) return (Right ()) ) print \"clean exit\" test :: IO (Either Error ()) test = runClient server (getjid jid) username password $ do liftIO $ print \"connected to server\" jid <- bindJID (getjid jid) liftIO $ print (\"bound to jid\", jid) forever $ do s <- getStanza liftIO $ print (\"got\", s) where getjid t = fromMaybe (error \"jid parse error\") (parseJID t) server = Server (getjid serverjid) servername (PortNumber port) servername = \"jabber.de\" serverjid = \"jabber.de\" port = 5222 jid = \"haskellxmpptest@jabber.de\" username = \"haskellxmpptest\" password = \"stupidpassword\" \"\"\"]] """]]