[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 3" date="2014-05-19T16:44:19Z" content=""" When the assistant wants to download a file, it queues a transfer from all remotes that are known to have the file, with the lowest cost remotes first. If it fails to get the file from the lowest cost remote, it automatically falls back to the next lowest cost, and so on. If there's a bug here, I'd suspect strongly it's due to having 2 remotes with the same UUID. Yes, I think I've found it. Assistant.TransferSlots.genTransfer calls performTransfer, which is passed only the Transfer, not the Remote. So it then looks up a remote with the UUID from the Transfer. To fix this, I will need to adjust the transferkeys command's protocol to include the name of the remote that should be used. """]]