[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 3""" date="2015-08-20T14:58:32Z" content=""" The error message about the transfer lock file is probably relevant, and seems to be coming from git-annex-shell on the clusterhost server. Since this code has recently been changed and partly rewritten, you ought to try upgrading git-annex on clusterhost to a more recent version. If that doesn't help, check if the specified lock file exists, and if its parent directory exists. It's possible that the directory it's trying to put the lock file in doesn't exist and this is causing the problem. If so, manually creating the directory would solve it. The other possibility seems to be that it's trying to open a lock file for read that doesn't exist. But I don't see how that can happen, at least not with the current code which catches any such exception. Stracing git-annex-shell would help narrow this down. The git-annex-shell command that's failing is something like this: git-annex-shell sendkey ../chymera/data SHA256E-s814245--9dc6f1287ba683cae030e04ba7f94a73e566ce392c2d032f171094ddc342fa60.jpg """]]