[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawntodrSgODU27WUCyN2PV7TC14YMkyaoxQ" nickname="Dennis" subject="comment 4" date="2014-12-11T10:58:21Z" content=""" I suffer from the same issue. In ~/.profile I put the line `git-annex assistant --quiet --autostart --startdelay=5s > /dev/null &`. Htop shows: 26291 xxx 20 0 6584M 3123M 9864 S 0.0 81.6 29h29:17 git-annex assistant --startdelay=5s 26292 xxx 20 0 6584M 3123M 9864 S 0.0 81.6 12h38:32 git-annex assistant --startdelay=5s 26293 xxx 20 0 6584M 3123M 9864 S 0.0 81.6 21h45:49 git-annex assistant --startdelay=5s 26321 xxx 20 0 6584M 3123M 9864 D 0.0 81.6 18:34.12 git-annex assistant --startdelay=5s 21019 xxx 20 0 6584M 3123M 9864 S 0.0 81.6 0:00.08 git-annex assistant --startdelay=5s 21908 xxx 20 0 6584M 3123M 9864 S 0.0 81.6 0:00.00 git-annex assistant --startdelay=5s 26290 xxx 20 0 6584M 3123M 9864 S 0.0 81.6 64h33:50 git-annex assistant --startdelay=5s """]]