[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2014-11-06T19:53:02Z" content=""" Does the assistant's memory use go back to being small when you stop and restart the daemon, or does it immediately go back up? Are there a lot of files in `.git/annex/transfer`? One possibility is it might be getting flooded with failed/pending file transfers. If you feel up to building git-annex from source, you could enable the EKG remote monitoring interface. This would let you see graphs of the memory use, and probably get a good idea of what's using memory. Or, you could do a full memory profiling build of git-annex, which will let us nail down exactly what's using the memory. See [[this_page|ekg]] for instructions for building git-annex for EKG and memory profiling. If it's too hard for you to do that, I can probably provide you with a prebuilt version with memory profiling. """]]