[[!comment format=mdwn username="lasitus" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/dfe778f28027aeb75876172022aa5de3" subject="comment 7" date="2017-02-17T03:23:46Z" content=""" Ok, I have a script that generates the error. This generates a repository and 30 GB of random binary files with many folders 2 layers deep. Just put in an empty folder and run with python. No remotes are necessary. This was run in Windows 10 in a git bash window. ``` #!/usr/bin/env python import logging import os import shutil import subprocess import uuid logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) repositoryPath = os.path.abspath(\"./bigRepoTest\") os.makedirs(repositoryPath) subprocess.call(\"git init\", cwd=repositoryPath) subprocess.call(\"git annex init pc\", cwd=repositoryPath) def makeRandomDirectories(level1FolderCount, level2FolderCount, fileCount): for directoryIndex in range(0, level1FolderCount): logging.info(\"Adding top level folder \" + str(directoryIndex + 1) + \" of \" + str(level1FolderCount)) newDirectory = os.path.join(repositoryPath, str(uuid.uuid1())) os.makedirs(newDirectory) for directoryIndex in range(0, level2FolderCount): newNestedDirectory = os.path.join(newDirectory, str(uuid.uuid1())) os.makedirs(newNestedDirectory) for fileIndex in range(0, fileCount): newFile = os.path.join(newNestedDirectory, str(uuid.uuid1()) + \".bin\") with open(newFile, 'wb') as fileOut: fileOut.write(os.urandom(500000)) makeRandomDirectories(32, 1000, 1) with open(os.path.join(repositoryPath, \"assistant.log\"), 'w') as output: subprocess.Popen([\"git\", \"annex\", \"assistant\", \"--debug\"], cwd=repositoryPath, stdout=output, stderr=output) makeRandomDirectories(32, 1000, 1) subprocess.call(\"tail -f daemon.log\", cwd=os.path.join(repositoryPath, \".git\", \"annex\")) ``` """]]