[[!comment format=mdwn username="lasitus" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/dfe778f28027aeb75876172022aa5de3" subject="comment 4" date="2017-02-14T19:08:38Z" content=""" The high memory use and load were on the Linux side. Again these were two different behaviors on separate runs. Most runs, the linux side was fine and the windows side crashed. This one I can reproduce easily by just copying my data into an empty repo. I'll try it a few times later tonight and see if it always happens on a particular file. One time, the windows side stopped sensing files and the Linux side had heavy cpu usage and high memory usage) Sadly, I don't recall the exact time as the hang up happened over night, so hard to find in the log file. So, I guess I will focus on the first one. """]]