[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 1" date="2013-07-18T19:37:33Z" content=""" Sorry about the delay getting to this, I've been overloaded. The link that you show: `Expressionlessm.tar -> ../.git/annex/objects/vk/mF/SHA256-s3131909--a2808d850ba2e880ac58bf622cd68edd7e72ea2775b984d52b5d5266c` .. That's not right at all. I don't understand in the least how this could happen, and am flummoxed how to try to debug it. It just doesn't match anything I know about how the code works. If I understand you correctly, it's only happening with one particular file content. I think you either need to rule out it being due to the way you've installed git-annex, perhaps by installing the linux standalone tarball, and seeing if you can get the same behavior with that. Or you could send me the repository by email (joey@kitenet.net) and I'll see if I can reproduce it, and if so, will certainly be able to debug and fix it. """]]