[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawk4_47QIHYfGlI9aL04LXxOczcYABmmIfA" nickname="Mike" subject="On Opensuse 13.1 - I was able to run git-annex-webapp once. " date="2014-02-01T15:35:10Z" content=""" As soon as I removed my single repository it never loaded again. I have re-booted. re-installed. I have the package installed it tries to load but doesn't. I have the stand-alone installed it does nothing. Only if I try to execute webapp as superuser does it launch the browser but doesn't execute properly. comes up to some url file://??? when it was working properly i noticed it was opening to locahost url Still seems to be running on my desktop machine though. But i did not try to remove the repository from that machine because git-annex does not provide a way to remove repository without actually deleting the files. Evidently Disable and Delete do exactly the same thing. Any ideas? thanks. Mike """]]