[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 11""" date="2015-08-04T19:03:54Z" content=""" I took another look at this, and I have a suspicion that the difference is window's behavior when an env var is set to the empty string. On Unix, that has a distinct meaning from an env var being set. I suspect that it doesn't on Windows. Or perhaps on some versions of windows and/or some versions of haskell libraries on some versions of windows... (Since I still can't reproduce the problem on windows myself.) If `GIT_ANNEX_SSHOPTION=""` results in it not being set, then the rest of this bug report follows. I've made a simple change. If the option is empty, it doesn't try to set `GIT_SSH` at all. I am pretty sure this entirely fixes the problem. Please test the windows daily build, which has this fix applied to it, and get back to me if not. """]]