[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 5" date="2013-08-24T17:09:43Z" content=""" Thanks for an excellent amount of debug information. I can see what's leaking is UDP connections to That address is used for the \"local pairing\" option in the webapp. I was able to reproduce the problem by disabling all network interfaces except `lo`. The PairListener then failed to open a multicast listening socket. When it fails that way, it retried every second, as you noticed. And there is a socket leak in that failure mode. I wonder if you're seeing this even when on the network? If so, perhaps your Ubuntu system has something going on that prevents opening a multicast listening socket on even `eth0` or `wlan0` or whatever. Unfortunately, the actual socket leak bug is in the [network-multicast](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/network-multicast) library, and not in git-annex. I have filed an upstream bug report: Hopefully that will be dealt with soon. There is a workaround I could do in git-annex: If it fails (leaking one socket), it could wait until the NetworkListener indicated a new network interface was opened, before trying again (possibly leaking one socket again). This would change it from a 1 per second leak to a 1 per change of network leak at worst, which is probably much less likely to cause problems. """]]