[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 1" date="2013-09-09T15:45:17Z" content=""" The relevant part of the log is:
65332/0x53591a: open(\"/Users/gsolsberry/annex/.git/annex/journal.lck\0\", 0x601, 0x1B6) = 8 0 65332/0x53591a: fcntl(0x8, 0x9, 0x107009D60) = -1 Err#-1waitToSetLock thinks fcntl is failing to lock the file due to something else having it locked, and retries, leading to the hang. I'm told on irc that this was installed using the prebuilt image, and that a previous version of it didn't have the problem. """]]