[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://launchpad.net/~maestro-alubia" nickname="maestro-alubia" subject="comment 2" date="2013-04-29T21:04:30Z" content=""" Thanks for explaining the error message. I did some investigation but I am not really understanding what is going on. But step by step, lets take a file without any confusing characters in filename (e.g. '/'), so we use the file \".directory\". 1.) I run on the client: [[!format sh \"\"\" fabian@fabian-thinkpad /mnt/data-common/Audio $ ls -la .directory lrwxrwxrwx 1 fabian fabian 180 25. Apr 17:15 .directory -> .git/annex/objects/Ff/m9/SHA256E-s91--378daa8e2a232ae5a04d9f6c83003d8ccfe6c8b7547c1789a130ba94017283ed/SHA256E-s91--378daa8e2a232ae5a04d9f6c83003d8ccfe6c8b7547c1789a130ba94017283ed fabian@fabian-thinkpad /mnt/data-common/Audio $ basename $(git cat-file -p \"HEAD:.directory\") SHA256E-s91--378daa8e2a232ae5a04d9f6c83003d8ccfe6c8b7547c1789a130ba94017283ed \"\"\"]] 2.) I run on the server: [[!format sh \"\"\" fabian@eifel:/mnt/raid/Audio$ ls -la .directory -rw----r-x 1 fabian fabian 91 Dez 13 17:35 .directory fabian@eifel:/mnt/raid/Audio$ basename $(git cat-file -p \"HEAD:.directory\") SHA256E-s91--378daa8e2a232ae5a04d9f6c83003d8ccfe6c8b7547c1789a130ba94017283ed fabian@eifel:/mnt/raid/Audio$ git-annex fsck .directory fsck .directory (checksum...) ok \"\"\"]] So obviously the file is present on the server (it is using direct mode). 3.) On the client again: [[!format sh \"\"\" fabian@fabian-thinkpad /mnt/data-common/Audio $ git-annex get .directory get .directory (from eifel.fritz.box__mnt_raid_Audio...) requested key is not present rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver] rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(605) [Receiver=3.0.9] Unable to access these remotes: eifel.fritz.box__mnt_raid_Audio Try making some of these repositories available: efe13d8c-2b02-455f-9874-b7043caa332f -- eifel.fritz.box__mnt_raid_Audio (fabian@eifel:/mnt/raid/Audio) failed git-annex: get: 1 failed fsck .directory (checking eifel.fritz.box__mnt_raid_Audio...) (fixing location log) ** Based on the location log, .directory ** was expected to be present, but its content is missing. ** No known copies exist of .directory failed (Recording state in git...) git-annex: fsck: 1 failed fabian@fabian-thinkpad /mnt/data-common/Audio $ git-annex get .directory get .directory (not available) No other repository is known to contain the file. failed git-annex: get: 1 failed \"\"\"]] Also running \"git annex sync\" on both sides does not help. This is the configuration: Client: [[!format sh \"\"\" fabian@fabian-thinkpad /mnt/data-common/Audio $ cat .git/config [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [annex] uuid = a1f816fe-3fce-4887-a85c-b7b9e501a5d7 version = 3 [remote \"eifel.fritz.box__mnt_raid_Audio\"] url = ssh://fabian@git-annex-eifel.fritz.box-fabian_mntraidAudio/mnt/raid/Audio/ fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/eifel.fritz.box__mnt_raid_Audio/* annex-uuid = efe13d8c-2b02-455f-9874-b7043caa332f annex-cost = 175.0 \"\"\"]] Server: [[!format sh \"\"\" fabian@eifel:/mnt/raid/Audio$ cat .git/config [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [annex] uuid = efe13d8c-2b02-455f-9874-b7043caa332f version = 3 direct = true [gc] auto = 0 [remote \"fabianthinkpad.fritz.box__mnt_datacommon_Audio\"] url = ssh://fabian@git-annex-fabian-thinkpad.fritz.box-fabian_mntdatacommonAudio/mnt/data-common/Audio/ fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/fabianthinkpad.fritz.box__mnt_datacommon_Audio/* annex-uuid = a1f816fe-3fce-4887-a85c-b7b9e501a5d7 annex-cost = 175.0 \"\"\"]] Please let me know if you need more information. Btw: I sent some money to my flattr account so I can support you soon. Thanks again for your work! """]]