[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://me.yahoo.com/a/EbvxpTI_xP9Aod7Mg4cwGhgjrCrdM5s-#7c0f4" subject="comment 3" date="2015-09-10T18:44:25Z" content=""" so far I have failed to replicate this issue on a luster under virtualbox following aforementioned instructions (if you would like, there is a screen available under datalad@smaug to which I believe you should have access to). I guess I will wait for issues associated with standalone builds to get resolved (ref: http://git-annex.branchable.com/bugs/fails_to_addurl_to_file:__47____47____47___in_the_most_recent_snapshot_build/#comment-424388b7369d9f4889afaa56381e4e38) before attempting more tests there. Meanwhile I will seek more information on the problematic lustre setup (versions etc) """]]