[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="finally getting debugger spun up" date="2013-11-12T01:08:24Z" content=""" seems relevant (and the patches to fix it seem likely to have led to the linker rejecting this). So I can probably stop torturing your soft keyboards. I need a binary where `arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-readelf -r` does not contain `R_ARM_COPY`. Checking against the binaries so far, this consistently matches the test results, all the git-annex binaries have:
 Offset     Info    Type            Sym.Value  Sym. Name
011d05f0  00004e14 R_ARM_COPY        011d05f0   environ
(Which is itself interesting; I've had to work around some problems with the haskell port not supporting getting the environment (Annex.Branch.withIndex). Possibly because it was copied and the linker screwed that up? ) Ok, here's a binary that meets those criteria. Obtained by passing -z nocopyreloc to the gold linker (ghc options -optl-z -optlnocopyreloc) Also, here's a hello world binary that *should* fail. It attempts to read and print the environment, and has the same `R_ARM_COPY` relocation. And, here's a hello world binary that *might* successfully print out the full environment (like `set` does). If it does, I can also remove the ugly hack in Annex.Branch.withIndex. Which would be an unexpected reward. """]]