[[!comment format=mdwn username="Francois" ip="2001:788:5:1:29c2:de49:9811:51c8" subject="comment 3" date="2014-08-15T20:45:38Z" content=""" I've been experiencing the exact same problem and searching for **recovery from race** lead me to this bug report. Thanks for reporting it! For a few months, a repo storing ~19'000 files (mostly immutable pictures) started to launch memory hungry \"git log\" processes. For example: 4797 francois 20 0 8118296 7.719g 2032 D 22.3 50.2 0:11.61 git 4797 pts/1 D+ 0:12 git --git-dir=~/Pictures/.git --work-tree=~/Pictures -c core.bare=false log refs/heads/git-annex..52e44b967ad5d316d832562be02c5555c1f6d2a4 --oneline -n1 Thanks to the hints found in this report, I was able to find many huge commit messages such as this one: $ git show 6357b208 commit 6357b2081e7c85dfe1ccc10824b75f3e212e6386 Author: Francois Deppierraz Date: Sat Jun 14 10:38:46 2014 +0200 update (recovery from race) (recovery from race) (recovery from race) (recovery from race) (recovery from race) [...] $ git show 6357b208 | wc 5 444026 3108236 There were probably many new files added on Jun 14th and looking for a way to increase to sync speed, especially to a S3-like remote, I found the solution on this wiki for [multiple concurrent transfers](https://git-annex.branchable.com/forum/Feature_request:_Multiple_concurrent_transfers/). This looks like a likely culprit for generating race conditions. What do you think? git-annex version: 5.20140412ubuntu1 """]]