[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 5""" date="2018-03-05T14:47:20Z" content=""" The easy workaround to bugs like this migrate the file to the SHA256 backend rather than SHA256E. It may be obvious to us that a file ending in "(feat. xy).mp3" has an extension of ".mp3" and not of ". xy).mp3", but this is not very obvious to git-annex, which would like to treat a file ending in ".tar.gz" as having that compound extension. The only rule I can think of that would help git-annex understand this is to not allow punctuation (other than "." in file extensions). Which it actually already filters out of extensions, which is why the extension it comes up with is ".xy.mp3". But it could notice the space and closing paren in the filename and assume those are not part of an extension. It might bite some file with an extension like .foo_", I can't recall seeing many such extensions. Ok, made this change. It remains a bug in the glacier special remote if unicode characters prevent uploading to it. We can't limit file extensions to ascii, it's perfectly reasonable to use your native language characters in a file extension. Leaving bug open since my change does nothing about whatever upload bug glacier-cli has. Is the python program failing? """]]