[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 8""" date="2016-03-01T20:17:35Z" content=""" That ssh lock file is created by this code: -- The posix lock file is created even when using pid locks, in order to -- avoid complicating any code that might expect to be able to see that -- lock file. But, it's not locked. dummyPosixLock :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO () dummyPosixLock m f = closeFd =<< openLockFile ReadLock m f But, that does not ever actually take a lock on the file, so NFS should not make its .nfs thing in this case. Unless NFS does it when a FD is simply opened with close-on-exec set. Can you get a strace of the creation of files under .git/annex/ssh/ that result in these .nfs things? """]]