[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawk7iPiqWr3BVPLWEDvJhSSvcOqheLEbLNo" nickname="Dirk" subject="comment 2" date="2014-06-09T21:16:36Z" content=""" Thanks for the fix. The new tarball does not show the issue anymore. Regarding \"due to the way it is run\": * I use Konsole as my terminal under xfce, inside of that is bash * I made sure that I removed old stuff beforehand \"rm -rf .config/git-annex/ Desktop/annex/ .ssh/git-annex-*\" * I went to the directory in the tarball \"git-annex.linux\" and called \"./git-annex webapp\" * Browser used is firefox I guess I should setup the PATH properly. This was just meant as a test for the tarball given that there is no up to date package for ubuntu available anymore. Not sure if there is other information that would help you determine if I run this in a special way. """]]