[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2016-09-05T20:00:33Z" content=""" You have presented cabal with some dependency situation that causes its solver to blow up. But AFAICS this is only the case in your own particular environment; it's not the case in my envionment, or Debian's environment, etc. If homebrew needs particular dependency versions, you could specify them locally in a local cabal.config file. Or you could use stack which should always find a consistent set of dependencies. I don't think it makes sense for git-annex to pin down versions like this just because one build environment is having trouble. So I don't plan to apply this patch. ---- Update: Seems the unstated goal was to make it work with ghc 8 which is still in a state of generally unhappy dependencies. So applied for that reason. """]]