[[!comment format=mdwn username="guilhem" ip="" subject="comment 2" date="2013-03-10T03:06:55Z" content=""" From my tests, Rsync actually seems to honor the bandwidth limit that's in the sender's options. In particular, a dirty hard-coding of the limit in Utility.Rsync.rsyncServerParams (forwarding the option from git-annex-shell to the actuall rsync command, and) did the trick for me. I know Rsync merely tries to respect bwlimit on average, but for large files it's good enough I think. And for those like me who have a volume quota on their connection, it'd a plus to make git-annex-shell respect that limit. Well of course I could ask my users to use something like trickle, but external commands are more likely to be forgotten than a config option ;-) I couldn't see where in the code you whitelist the list of safe commands; Did you mean there is already such a thing, or is it empty right now? In any case, my wish doesn't seem to be hard to implement, and I'd be happy to try to provide a patch in the next few days. """]]