[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnBJ6Dv1glxzzi4qIzGFNa6F-mfHIvv9Ck" nickname="Jim" subject="comment 3" date="2013-01-19T22:21:04Z" content=""" Wait, that's weird, it works today. I'm thinking that maybe there was another copy of `git-annex` backgrounded and holding a lock, since that reproduces this behavior: pilot:~/vid/tv/Show$ git annex get --from bucket Show\ -\ S03E08.mp4 get Show - S03E08.mp4 (from bucket...) Enter passphrase for key '/home/jim/.ssh/id_rsa': SHA256E-s358393024--efda17d23d68b85d47ad342f8e41f79ac04d4a65d7ef654b4838b995b86bdefe.mp4 96043008 26% 10.27MB/s 0:00:24 ^Z [1]+ Stopped git annex get --from bucket Show\ -\ S03E08.mp4 pilot:~/vid/tv/Show$ git annex get --from bucket Show\ -\ S03E08.mp4 get Show - S03E08.mp4 failed git-annex: get: 1 failed So, I guess this is probably \"not a bug\", but having a more specific error would be really helpful. """]]