[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2017-04-07T19:58:41Z" content=""" Well let's see.. To fix this would need some way for ssh to outsource its password prompting to another program, which could then serialize concurrent password requests, and perhaps reuse the same password when reconnecting to the same host. Sounds an aweful lot like ssh-agent, doesn't it? Now, it does happen to be the case that without -J, the password is only prompted for once to download multiple files from the same host. That works because of ssh connection caching. But in the -J case, the connection caching does not help, because multiple sshed are started before there's a connection to reuse, so each tries to make a new connection and prompts. Even if connection caching worked with -J, the general problem would remain when it did concurrent downloads from different hosts. So I tend to feel that this is just not fixable; if the user wants to use -J, they ought to use ssh-agent so it doesn't prompt for passwords. """]]